Step 1: If it's football season, come to one of our meetings.We meet weekly during the football season. See our current schedule here.
Step 2: If it's the offseason, contact our chapter.Our chapter VP, Kaulin Andric or our chapter Secretary Doug Williams
Step 3: Fill out an application.
After contacting the chapter or attending a meeting, you will fill out an application to join TASO, the state organization that oversees football officiating in Texas. You will also fill out an application to join CSTASO, our local TASO chapter. There are dues to join both organizations to cover administrative costs and insurance. Officials quickly make this up after working a few games.
Step 4: Begin training.
Once you join TASO and CSTASO, we quickly begin working with you to teach you both the rules of football and the on-field mechanics. This is done in several ways, through a new members clinic at the beginning of the season, our weekly meetings including sessions just for new officials, and by working scrimmages with veteran officials.
Step 5: Officiate your first game.
Although it happens pretty fast, we will do our best to prepare you for working an actual game. You will be paired with 2-3 veteran officials for most assignments and quickly learn what makes this game so great and officiating so much fun. Most first year officials work several Junior High and sub-varsity games each week and serve as chain crew members for Varsity games (all paid assignments!)